Be Ready When Severe Weather Strikes

closed flooded road | Truck storm safety | Wiers Fleet partners

November 22, 2017

The news feed has been a constant reminder lately of how tough Mother Nature can be. With a record-breaking hurricane season, flooding, wildfires and winter swiftly approaching, it’s more and more imperative to have a proactive truck storm safety plan in place to keep your trucking business safe and operational even when bad weather happens.

Wiers Fleet Partners has decades of experience helping trucking companies stay ahead of bad weather. With technology tools, quality service and repair teams as well as preventive maintenance, we’ll partner with you while you weather any storm.

Follow this truck storm safety plan to keep your trucks running smoothly before, during and after severe weather happens!

Utilize technology. Your investment in a tool like Telematics to help with real-time weather and roadway updates is the best component of your truck storm safety plan. Logistics become streamlined with this powerful tool.

Communicate early and often. Not all weather-related delays can be avoided. Be sure to communicate with your internal team as well as your customers if you foresee the likelihood of a weather delay. Always keep in mind that weather varies across regions.

Post-storm check-ups. If a truck in your fleet has been through a severe weather situation, especially flooding, a post-storm check-up is in order. Damage to the exterior or the engine may not be immediately apparent but could cause downtime in the near future if not proactively addressed as part of your preventive maintenance schedule.

Know when to say when. Empower your drivers to call it a day when it is unsafe to carry on. Driving on ice and snow or in blizzard conditions can lead to accidents.

It’s not a unique scenario. Your driver picks up a load in Michigan where it might be dry and cold. Yet as he travels across Indiana, he might encounter icy roads or be stopped in his tracks from a blinding storm. With a good truck storm safety plan in place, you’ll stay confident that your drivers, your fleet and your cargo are ready to weather the weather – no matter what that may be!

Start your truck storm safety plan with an experienced partner like Wiers Fleet Partners. We’ve got the tools and the experience to keep your fleet ready for severe weather at all times! Get started with Wiers today.


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